The first crucial step in forest management is selecting a trusted timber harvesting company. Advanced Hardwoods delivers this to customers. With proper care and commitment to sustainable practices, a landowner’s property will continue to grow and be poised to future harvesting for generations. Hiring a professional to harvest your timber is one way to demonstrate commitment to managing your natural resources.
We pay cash for timber and land in Ohio
Advanced Hardwoods will purchase your timber or purchase your timberland outright. We are currently purchasing land with timber or timber only throughout Ohio and would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about buying your timber or property. We provide:
The first crucial step in forest management is selecting a trusted timber harvesting company. Advanced Hardwoods delivers this to customers. With proper care and commitment to sustainable practices, a landowner’s property will continue to grow and be poised to future harvesting for generations. Hiring a professional to harvest your timber is one way to demonstrate commitment to managing your natural resources.
We pay cash for timber and land in Ohio
Advanced Hardwoods will purchase your timber or purchase your timberland outright. We are currently purchasing land with timber or timber only throughout Ohio and would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about buying your timber or property. We provide:
If you have at least 10 acres of land contact us today.
Trained Logging Crews
Trained Logging Crews
Our team of trained logging crews uses Best Management Practices (BMP) to harvest your timber. This provides directional felling techniques to protect smaller trees, soil erosion protection, and safety.
Select Cutting
Clear cutting can greatly diminish the value of your property, Advanced Hardwoods promotes selective cutting practices to remove mature trees that are ready for harvest and leave the immature trees for future harvests.
Land Reforestation
Timber harvesting can actually improve your land by creating a healthy and productive forest. The wildlife habitat is improved, logging roads give landowners additional access, and forest regeneration will create a timber stand improvement as well as long term well being for your woods.
Standing timber is one of the greatest renewable resources in Ohio. When logged correctly it offers several benefits to the property in addition to financial compensation to the land owner.
By keeping your timber stands open and healthy, building wildlife habitat, and creating the conditions for new growth, a sustainable timber harvest can protect everything you value about your woods, all while providing you with income at the same time.
In fact, many woodland owners use the income from timber harvesting for projects that further improve their property or the ecology to their woods.
What is a proper selection harvest?
- It applies to forest types that have the capability to regenerate under their own shade such as Ohio hardwoods (maple, oak, walnut, etc.).
- The stand objective should be trees of various sizes and ages.
- The trees selected for harvest leave the residual stand in better condition than before the harvest. “Better” has to do with tree health, tree quality, growing space, species mix, and other factors.
Harvesting timber is correctly done when it focuses on what is left after the harvest as well as what is removed during the harvest. Cutting mature trees, poorer quality or defective trees fosters growth and quality in residual trees. Advanced Hardwoods specializes in selective harvests only removing the mature trees, damaged or diseased trees, and low quality or invasive trees that are ready for harvest, and leaves the rest to grow and mature for a future harvest. Using this practice ensures your forest can continue to generate income over time for the landowner.
Best Management Practices used in Timbering
Depending on the layout of your property and if it has been logged before we will either work with existing logging roads or construct new ones. Our mission is to create the most efficient system possible to remove the timber.
Wildlife Habitat Improvements
Most people think logging is bad for wildlife; however, when timber harvest is performed correctly it can increase the numbers of wildlife and well as the quality of the habitats.
- Removing large mature timber creates holes in the canopy thus allowing sunlight to penetrate down to the ground. This allows new vegetation to flourish where previously there wasn’t any. Animals thrive on this new growth as a source of food and shelter.
- The tops of the trees are left on the property to provide valuable cover for deer and other wildlife. It also provides nutrients for the soil as the dead branches decay thus recycling and returning to nature. Tree tops also protect seedlings and saplings allowing for the regeneration of the forest.
Forest Management
Timber provides a renewable resource that can provide valuable income for your family for generations. Advanced Hardwoods offers a no obligation consultation and review of your property.
Advanced Hardwoods sawmill located in Holmes County, Ohio produces superior hardwood lumber and wood products for customers worldwide.
Our forest management services covers Northeastern, North Central and Central Ohio.
We offer free estimates, professional advice and dedicated logging crews. We operate with care to ensure a healthy forest for generations upon completion.
Ohio is known to produce some of the finest hardwood timber around. The oak, poplar, cherry, and walnut are highly sought after for the superior quality of lumber they produce.
As trees age past their prime they diminish in value due to disease, deterioration or insects. Trees past their prime also can weaken and fall damaging smaller trees and forest undergrowth. To maximize your timber harvest mature trees should be timbered before they get past their prime.
When deciding to harvest timber, the potential financial gain is an important factor. Depending on the type of hardwood, size, and age or the tree, sales can be lucrative. For many families and individuals the sale of timber is a financial investment. Standing timber is a stable form of wealth, often comparable to mutual fund investments.